Successful delivery in the resettlement area

Residential houses of first phase built in the resettlement area, Dameng Town Community are started

to be delivered to villagers on April 6th,2015. Until April 26th,2015,  2,482 houses were signed by vil-

lagers from Dameng Village, Zhu Da Han Village, San Hu Li Village and Hou Meng Village, in which

delivery rate was 99.36%. House Delivery completed basically. Residential houses of the first phase in

the resettlement area entered into warranty period successfully.

Villagers light up the firework to cerebrate the selection of house:
Villagers were lining up eagerly to wait for the ticket:


Villagers were eagerly but orderly waiting for selecting their houses:
Villagers were in the process of confirmation for their selected houses:
Villagers were in the process of house registration:
Staffs of estate and property were preparing for issuing keys and materials